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Published on July 24th, 2009

This video shines a spotlight on Comodo SecureEmail, a painless way to ensure that no unintended parties can spy on your emails. Use it for your home or office. As our video shows, sending an unencrypted email is like sending a postcard through the mail…easily readable by anyone who can get their hands on it. Find out how to put that postcard inside a secure envelope in our brief video, then check out more here.

Comments (2)



August 25, 2009

3:49 pm


August 25, 2009

3:37 pm

I understand this video, but people new to Email, won’t. She should have explained what Digital Signatures were and how they work. And also, that you need an Email Client to install the Digital Certificate into. Most people I know use crappy Web Based Email. They don’t even know what an Email Client is (I would recommend Thunderbird; supports RSS too!). They won’t install one neither, because they are so used to using the Browser to view it online: I think switching them from the Browser to the Client is the hardest part.

If you make a video on Digital Signatures (or if you have already), you may wish to add it to this Video Description. I loved the one on DV Certicates BTW…

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