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Published on January 6th, 2010

Semi-monthly news magazine for consumers on Internet Trust and Security.  This edition features a recap of the major Internet Trust and Security stories of 2009, some suggested Internet Trust and Security New Year’s resolutions, a preview of Comodo Internet Security 4, and an overview of the Common Computer Security Standards Forum, an important new industry initiative within the security software industry.

Comments (29)



August 29, 2012

8:47 pm

i’m a COMODO user, about 2 years, and must to say i’m very satisfied with yours products…

cogratulations, and thank you all.


September 28, 2011

12:28 pm

Comodo is the best and always will be !

Chris Down Under

June 9, 2011

9:20 am

The revised CIS 2011 Premium is a great product. I have used the Firewall only for a couple of years and recently decided to use the full product with
A-V & DEF+. Super stuff. Keep it up. Down here in OZ we have just as many bandits out there as you do! Keep safe.

Ben Larry

March 7, 2011

5:50 pm

I thank the Comodo staff for this great discovery. My PC is now safe from unnecessary virus. I’ve lost so many important information and documents/files due the failure of other antivirus which fail to perform creditably. Keep on researching and always be at the top. Thanks so much.

S. M. Rumi

March 1, 2011

1:19 pm

I’m feeling free after started using comodo. Lucky people Comodos comandoes.


February 16, 2011

10:11 am

Thank you Comodo for the great defense and a great firewall. I really enjoy using your software. Other antivirus programs will bog down my PC, making it slow, unable to reply, and even freeze or crash. With Comodo, it doesn’t take as much resources as other AntiVirus software does. It is almost as if Comodo is not there and is just running in the background waiting for the next attacker. Thank you for your great software and I hope Comodo stays free forever!

fares reskallah

February 14, 2011

8:06 pm

thanks for youer gropes for evrie thins


February 14, 2011

5:21 pm

thankyou so much for free protection on my pc u dont get anything for free anymore

kay namkoong

January 27, 2011

6:57 am

thank you for protecting my computer.

Anna Sochacka

January 25, 2011

9:08 pm

COMODO jest najlepszym programem antywirusowym. Dziękuję za mój bezpieczny kmputer.


January 23, 2011

1:30 pm

I do appriciate for the product

michael w. fuller

October 12, 2010

4:23 am

i lost 2 dells in a matter of days thanks to some known brands of internet secdurity. i wish i had comoodo back then but the good news is i’ve got comodo in three of my computers now and it works great. thanx comodo. i will beinstaling it on the new sony i’m in the procsess of bying and thanx again comodo.

Firewall user F11

October 9, 2010

10:24 am

Comodo Firewall is so awesome. I keep my Firewall on Clean PC and Proactive defense in Paranoid mode.. XD Keep it up guys! When it comes to viruses, Spyware and Hackers.. I’m a 1%er 🙂


October 3, 2010

8:58 pm

Comodo is the best of all!!!


July 10, 2010

5:37 pm

Thank-you for the video, informative information and trusting Comodo as our safety computer net. who puts out this Shredder and how do we remove it if unsafe? Our household is not into computers knowledge like Comodo is. I like to know how you stay in business with out charging us the users for your service(s). Thank-you


July 6, 2010

10:03 pm



May 18, 2010

1:57 pm

Thank your company for creating such a good antivirus! I’ve tried all anti-virus programs including Kaspersky Anti-Virus, but it was one of confusion is the registration key! But when I found your Antivirs I immediately sighed with ease. Thank you And schaslivo develop in technology!)))


April 13, 2010

5:21 pm


Google Translation:
This is the best firewall I’ve used the software, tight but smooth, thank you for all staff

Jose Molina

March 10, 2010

4:25 am

Thank you for new comodo 2010

Danny Biando

March 9, 2010

8:58 am

An excellent suite for all needs. I use both 32 and 64 bit versions in my studio, at my day job and in my personal computer. A refreshing change from bloatware, poorly written resource hogs and user non-friendly software that does little more than display animations.

I highly recommend Comodo to my friends, co-workers and clients.


March 8, 2010

4:14 pm

Thank you for this and good job.


March 2, 2010

4:20 am

I’d love to find the “Intervention” video mentioned here (laptop intervention?) as I, too, would like to share it.

What a huge & positive difference it makes having Comodo in my system. And LIVE SUPPORT ROCKS! I’ve used it before & even when there’s no need to call for help, just knowing how EASY & FAST it is gives me & my family a well-founded sense of security.

Thanks for all you do! You really make a difference “out here.”


February 9, 2010

5:38 pm


jess r

January 29, 2010

6:08 am

a very smart program, way better protection than the other leading free anti-viruses..and not to mention the ones you have to pay for..thanks

Roger Deuxmont

January 23, 2010

10:25 pm

I cannot praise COMODO enough as apart from it been so simple to instal, it has surpassed any other antivirus that I have used, as yet!!

I have added to my email signature, hoping to spread the word for a product that I deem brilliant!!!:)

Al Jordan Sr.

January 23, 2010

11:06 am

I have been running a top virus checker and to night it was to be renewed.
we a friend suggested I try comodo so I ran my program first came up clean.
Then I ran COMODO and I had 5 yes 5 virus on my computer. Well from now on it’s COMODO FOR ME AND MY FAMILY AND WHOEVER I CAN GET TO RUN THE PROGRAM

Thanks COMODO for the help.

Fernando Coutinho

January 21, 2010

10:35 pm

COMODO é um ANTIVIRUS excelente cumpre muito bem obrigado e parabéns pelo serviço prestado.

Google Translation from Portugese:
COMODO ANTIVIRUS is a very good Thanks and congratulations for this service.

robert lazo

January 21, 2010

5:26 pm

thank you for download comodo anti virus. only comodo anti virus removed viruses in my computer . . thks comodo. im proud of you.

John Woodley

January 16, 2010

8:27 am

The Anti virus works and is very good it all what I hoped it would be

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