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Published on August 15th, 2011

Comodo Internet Security Pro is the desktop security suite for Windows that makes what you’re currently using obsolete.

Why? Because every day tens of thousands of new viruses, and other malware go undetected by conventional security software, putting you at risk for everything from identity theft to poor Windows performance.

Comodo Internet Security Pro protects you better. It provides 3 layers of security with prevention as its first line of defense Comodo’s prevention layer uses the latest in application whitelisting, HIPS and sandboxing technologies to isolate potentially dangerous, unknown and untrusted applications from your critical system resources and personal information. Delivering unparalleled anti-virus protection, Firewall, Wi-Fi Security and live expert help, Comodo Internet Security is the answer to desktop Security and maintenance headaches. For more information, or to obtain Comodo Internet Security, please visit our website.


Comments (3)



January 21, 2013

2:31 pm

comodo it’s good.. I like It

Database performance

December 15, 2011

4:21 pm

Many developers are surprised which queries are slowing load times, since often multiple join-queries are actually more efficient than simple syntax depending on the overall application design. As a rule of thumb, always judge databases based upon measured data instead of trying to hypothesize where the problems are emerging.


November 23, 2011

6:27 am

comodo it’s good.. I like It

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