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Published on February 13th, 2012


Check out this overview of Comodo Firewall, our award-winning, free firewall for Windows PCs with advanced firewall features to defend your PC from inbound and outbound attacks, featuring unique Default Deny Protection. What’s Default Deny Protection? Basically, it means that as soon as a suspicious file attempts access to your computer, you are immediately alerted, and that file is stopped from executing. Called “kick-ass” and given a prestigious Editor’s Choice Award by no less than PCMag.com, Comodo Firewall software builds a solid wall of protection around your computer. For more information, head over to http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/firewall.php.

Comodo Firewall offers superior protection to Windows firewall as well as those provided by other security providers.   It’s  free, including updates, and unlike other firewalls it actually prevents malware from entering your PC rather in addition to providing standard firewall features.

Earning a five star rating by C-NET as well as the Editor’s Choice Award by PC Magazine, our firewall has already been installed by over ten million PC users worldwide.

Comodo firewall offers the highest levels of security against inbound and outbound threats, makes your computer’s ports invisible to  hackers and blocks malicious software from transmitting your confidential data over the Internet.

Comodo Firewall makes it easy for you to specify exactly which applications are allowed to connect to the Internet  and immediately warns you when there is suspicious activity.

Comodo Firewall also includes Defense Plus, an advanced protection system that constantly monitors the activities of all executable files on your PC.  With Defense Plus you gain the advantage of default deny protection where the only programs that are allowed to run are those certified as safe by Comodo, as well as any others you give permission to.    All others are blocked by default.  This prevention layer of protection significantly adds to the overall level of protection delivered by Comodo Antivirus and is available only from Comodo.

Comodo firewall  can be installed either individually or as part of Comodo Internet Security suite.


Comments (3)


gaston leblond

September 18, 2012

10:29 pm

i want comodo firewal


February 20, 2012

8:37 am

This is really working cool. Thanks for the product .


October 10, 2009

7:32 pm

Just installed the free version of your software, after using Zone Alarm for 6 yrs, I was having problems with my browser refresh rates and was getting logged out of my e-mail sites and forums, so i changed to Comodo..
Up to now things seem ok.. but i will get back to you in a day or two to let you know..
Oh btw.. thanks for making the package available..


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