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Published on November 18th, 2009

Online advertising providers have a new segment of customers, spending real money to place real ads, with real links that bring you back to fake websites.

Once you’re on one of those sites, you can expect lots of malware and questions about your personal financial details.

Comments (4)



September 15, 2010

4:38 pm

Dear Melih, I’m much appreciated for your invaluable enthusiastic help. I wish you and your team to reach success in your way. I’m very glad to meet you;
Sincerely Yours,
From Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


March 2, 2010

4:41 am

Melih, thank you. You’ve taught me much over the past several months; and as I learn, I can help empower others as well. Gives me a greater sense of security knowing your expertise is involved in protecting my family’s computers. Really looking forward to the upcoming release of “Comodo Internet Security 4.”
And now…I’m off to view more videos!

With gratitude,
another satisfied Comodo Pro customer

Sam s

December 3, 2009

9:57 pm

Yeh I got attacked by malware and trojans i had over 500 and it wiped my whole computer.

I do daily scans making sure my computer is safe


November 18, 2009

10:58 pm

My recommendation’s…
1. Keep all of your Program’s up to date.
2. More importantly: Keep Flash, Java, and your Web Browser’s up to date.
3. Avoid the installation of ‘Browser Addons and Pluggins’.
4. Avoid installing anything you’re not sure about; especially from a pop-up.
5. Keep Windows up to date.
6. If you click a banner and your Email account opens, don’t enter your Email address & password.
7. Close all other Web Pages before doing your Online Banking.

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