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Published on July 27th, 2010

Learn how to install your Comodo TrustLogos.

Comments (2)


Robert Sirignano

October 29, 2010

2:21 am

I have been using and building, maintening computer and network systems since about 1986. My 1st computer was the TI9/44A by Texas Instruments. I have completed schools for Novel 4x CNE to many other Microsoft platforms from Dos 4 to Windows 7, Linux, and much software. I have used alot of security,firewalls,virus,malware systems and software. I want to say as a Home user now in my retirement, I have for several years now used Comodo products. You have served me well with easy to install, and use products that continue to evolve and excell with the best of mainstream companies. I actually feel guilty that you have given me FREE products that do the job so well.
Anyone that doesn’t take advantage of your Free products for home use are well behind the curve. I know your paid products would serve me with state of the art protection. However, I continue to run my home systems trouble free with Comodo Free products, that are state of the art. I cannot find an incentive to upgrade to a paid product. This may indite me as a free loader, however it speaks volumes to Comodo being an industry leader, and a company that is concerned with computer security to such an extent, that I am able to make these statments. Comodo, I thank, and salute you! Feel free to convince me I should upgrade, I just may.
Robert Sirignano (xurkrux)

mike drake

September 14, 2010

6:23 am

i hope its easey but all the softwear from you are so good i love your stuff hsd my comp for six years so you know iv been around the block and in my openon your it thank so very much mike

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