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Published on September 18th, 2009

http://www.comodo.com/home/pc-security.php Downloaded one of our free products and need some help getting tech support? Check out this episode of HowVision, outlining the many varied ways support is available for all our customers and products, including free ones 🙂

Comments (3)


majdi al-anze

September 1, 2010

1:21 am

أشكركم جزيل الشكر على ما قدمتموه لنا من حلول أمنيـة لأجهزتنا وأنظمتنا وأتمنى لكم التوفيق


Thank you very much for what you have given us security solutions for hardware and systems and I wish you success


February 18, 2010

9:39 pm

شكرا على الموقع الرائع

والحماية العالية و الخفيفه

انا احب برنامج كومودو واستخدمه على جميع الاجهزة

واتمنى لكم التوفيق

Quick Google Translation: Thanks for the wonderful site and protection. I use Comodo on all devices. I wish you success.

Edward A Sunada

February 16, 2010

9:18 pm

Based on what I’ve seen so far, I’m glad I finally actually looked at your site. Had visited previously, just passing thru, but decided to look at what you are…the concept is magnificent & I hope to become a small part in this…I know that I will be very interested in problem resolutions. Already have a problem that I’ve been working on now for about a month.

Thanks for the site.

Aloha from Hawaii.

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