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Published on May 8th, 2009

In the first edition of our occasional series ComodoVision: Consumer, host Kim Leone reports on the dangers of the Conficker worm, a wide-spreading virus with the potential to ravage computers worldwide. Also discussed: our company’s new security suite Comodo Internet Security Pro, which takes a three-layered approach to protecting your PC. The first layer – Prevention. That is, slamming the door shut on viruses and malware before they have a chance to execute. The next layers are Detection and Cure, meaning Comodo Internet Security Pro is still able to, quite simply, root out and obliterate any PC invaders. However, as CEO Melih Abdulhayoglu explains, a truly effective security suite will have to do this only as a last resort: it shouldn’t let malware invade a PC in the first place. Comodo Internet Security Pro consists of a Firewall, Antivirus, Wi-Fi Security, and included expert hands-free tech support. Our Firewall utilizes the unique feature of Default Deny Protection. Here’s how it works: when a file or application requests permission from your PC to execute, our Firewall checks it against an exclusive list of over two million files known to be safe for your PC. If the file isn’t on that list, CIS Pro alerts you immediately, and tells you the severity of the threat. Prevention, detection, and cure, plus Default Deny Protection: learn all about it in ComodoVision: Consumer.

Comments (2)


Fascist Nation

November 29, 2009

1:27 pm

Melih, I don’t want insurance. I want a vicious dog awaiting behind that broken down door. 😉

Skip Conover

November 20, 2009

8:00 pm

Your internet videos are quite helpful in determining whether or not one needs and should buy additional security.As I’m sure you all know..there are many good(and not so good)security companies offering a variety of programs that target specific and general virus/malware problems.If one does some research before actually buying and installing any of these programs one can easily seperate the wheat from the chaff.Comodo is definately wheat and should be a serious contender in anyones decision making process.One of the best parts of your Security Pro program is the live help aspect.I only(once) allowed a tech to take control of my computer.She was very savvy and quickly found the problems that were plaguing me and my computer.My opinion is…if a company has online help with techs who are good enough to take control of a computer and actually FIX it’s problems..it is a comapny well worth the price of it’s product.
Skip Conover

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