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Published on July 24th, 2009

Does your business use a Microsoft Exchange 2007 or Office Communication Server 2007 environment? If the answer is yes, watch this video to see the unique way Comodo can enable you to consolidate all of your certificate needs into a single UC Certificate, saving both money and time. Find out more here.

Unified Communications Certificates or UC Certificates for short are built expressly for the Microsoft Exchange 2007 and Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 environments.   Unlike standard or even wildcard ssl certificates, a single UC Certificate can provide SSL secured communications on a number of different domains, both internal and external, reducing server security administration complexity, and cost.  UC Certificates also support  the Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover service, a new capability for the Exchange platform which greatly eases client administration.   UC Certificates are organizationally validated , display a padlock on a browser for OWA and are trusted by over 99.3% of current browsers, among the highest available in the industry today.   Comodo is one of the Internet’s only providers of UC Certificates.  Let us help you simplify the management of your Microsoft Exchange or Office Communications Server 2007 environment with Comodo UC Certificates.

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February 28, 2011

6:08 pm

Fiolla, I love you…

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