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Published on December 28th, 2015

According to the recent report from Comodo Threat Research Labs (CTRL), Comodo has detected nearly 396,186,534 malware incidents in Q3 2017, within 234 of the 255 top-level country code domains (ccTLD). This overall number of malware detections includes malicious, suspicious, unwanted, and potentially unwanted applications. It also includes malware types and families that have yet to be categorized precisely which may be used to stage Zero Day attacks.


Comodo’s unique containment technology works by keeping the threats or harmful files under control or within certain limits. The harmful files are processed in a controlled operating system environment, thus limiting the resources and the spread of infection. All unknown files detected will be sent to Valkyrie which is a threat analysis system where in-house cybersecurity experts at Comodo analyze unknown files.


In this video, Dane Disimino & Chris Wraight will teach you how to increase your revenue from growing cyber threats.


Key areas covered in this video:
# Market Opportunity
# The Problem with unknown Files
# Who is Comodo
# Comodo’s Approach to Unknown Files
# Comodo’s Endpoint Solutions
# How You Can Make Money With Comodo
# Summary

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