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Published on November 12th, 2009

Dangers on the Web shows some of the dangers facing all Internet users today in a way that we think people will easily be able to relate to. For example, did you know that the amount of new malware discovered daily approximates the number of words a person speaks daily? Or the amount of money lost by US Consumers due to malware over the past 2 years would have paid the tuition of over one million US College Students? You will better understand the importance of the Internet security Comodo provides after watching this program.

Music: Captain Kneal and the Noisemakers

Comments (22)



June 27, 2011

9:29 pm

I used to advertise, and recommend Avast products to all of the customers that came into my computer repair store. Now, I ONLY recommend Comodo to all of my customers, and they love it too!

Keep up the great work Comodo!


April 20, 2011

3:46 am


Adriano De Grandis

March 9, 2011

6:24 pm

OK, thank you!


March 8, 2011

3:15 am

COMODO very good I think I will use continue using it

David Dalton

August 5, 2010

3:20 am

keep this is the best internet security


December 28, 2009

4:10 pm

Just moved over after years with McAfee. Comodo is brilliant – well done for a great program which works flawlessly and which doesn’t impact on my PC’s performance. And I love the TV prog above. You guys take this very seriously, on our behalf. Thank you!

Melky Nendissa

December 24, 2009

7:26 pm

great info n great product from comodo.,it helps my pc running faster n b aware of anykind of viruses,malwares ..etc

thnx so much..


December 24, 2009

3:58 pm

I just installed,today your product.I did not buy the trial Norton
that came with my new computer.To me your product is easier to use.
I had used Comodo on another computer for a yr .


December 19, 2009

8:27 pm

Дякую за роботу! Користуюсь тількі Comodo!

Translation from Ukrainian (thanks to Vadym at Comodo-Odessa)

“Thank you for your work! I use only Comodo!”


December 17, 2009

8:26 pm

Yea, i would say testing and trying anti virus programs out time after time i got to stick with this one, finally found something that does not wipe out your system files and other with false positives, protects pretty good, for a free product it’s well worth using and i got friends to use it too, i recommend it now, only thing is,..spy ware seem to slip through though, and the anti virus on access scanner makes my PC really slow, could you work on that in the future?
but for the record,…i think it tops popular contracted subscription anti virus programs, i choose Comodo products only, very intelligent, very observant, very secure, i have used Comodo products for +- 5years now,
you rock


December 11, 2009

9:53 pm

This video is really good work.


December 8, 2009

7:26 am

From my hard-earned experience COMODO IS EXCEPTIONAL. I feel strongly about the quality & necessity of Comodo Internet Security that it is worth the time required to post this comment. This post is pretty long, yet I feel passionately about PC Security—& honestly, having found something I feel so good about, it feels terrific to tell others.

A couple of yrs ago, Comodo Firewall beat out 23 other leading firewalls by a landslide—with Windows Firewall coming in Last Place. That surprises no one, huh?;-) I had learned the hard way before then just how easy it was for my computer to be violated. 1st my IE Homepage was hijacked (the Microsoft homepage was replaced with a FRAUD). Later I couldn’t get online at all. That’s when I noticed in my Internet Properties a PROXY which I did not put there, nor did my ISP! Had no idea how dangerous that was at the time. And on & on it went, totally downhill, absolutely maddening! Once broken into, the invaders just kept coming, more & more of ’em piling in. After months of scanning with the Alphabet Soup of Anti-Malware Apps, I was worse off than ever. Essentially, my beautiful new (& expensive) PC turned into a Zombie; I couldn’t trust anything that came out of it. It was exhausting & downright painful.

In hindsight I look at that chapter as a Strange Opportunity—perhaps because I got hit so hard & so soon after setting up my 1st PC, I got the malware message loud & clear (& how)! In explaining to others, I like to compare a computer to a car — “It’s not a toaster! This thing can get you into serious trouble & fast”; it requires being aware, learning new rules & possibilites, maintenance, & even checking up on your protection to be sure it’s running properly, etc. Also I liken it to the downside of sex—but then, no need for further explanation there;-) On the internet, we are all equal—& equally exposed to countless unknowns.

You notice how programs can change? I mean, something used to work well but that co. stopped maintaining, no longer keeping up w/changing trends in crime (sure can’t tell by their appearance). On the other hand, COMODO HAS ONLY GOTTEN BETTER OVER TIME! This company has not rested on their past successes like many – particularly those Big Ones (they know who they are) who seem to accel at advertising rather than products/services. I also appreciate how Comodo educates the consumer so that I don’t freeze up when unsure whether to grant permission to any given process as the alerts appear.

After test-driving the free version of Comodo Personal Firewall & Comodo Internet Security (64-bit), a few mos ago I decided to go with the paid Pro version. It’s very reasonably priced for all it provides & ease of use. Also using their Verification Engine & the HopSurf toolbar. Look forward to having extra protection when on non-home networks (like coffee shops, hotels, public places) – a welcome feature I haven’t yet used but will soon.

For the cost of a few lattes or dining out only once/twice, we get a Full Year of multifaceted Protection & Support. Can’t top it!

Thanks a million, Comodo Staff, for the safety & peace of mind… for being a force for good online.

Praful Baitule

December 8, 2009

4:28 am

Dear Comodo Team Members,

I a really happy to installed this latest Antivirus software free. It is really useful for my computer system. It works 24 hours and give me information about detecting virus and remove it fastly without any disturbing or harming my files, folder or data. It is very sucure for my internet sucurity. Now I have much better protected my computer. Pl. give me suggestion if there is any amendment in software or give my detail how I can apply this Antivirus software better quality result.

Thanks a lot


Praful Baitule



December 7, 2009

3:01 pm

I got rid of AVG Free, installed Comodo Internet Security, and now have a much better protected computer. End of story.


November 29, 2009

8:14 pm

Semper-Fi Comodo…You are on-line with the “Truth”,…and its getting worse every min.Why,are there so many security suites for $ale on line and most if-not-all of them do not work beyond a certain level of protection and,then the consumer(s) are having to continually search/purchase more and more security products and/or programs in-order to get somewhere close to a protected web-site or just protect themselves when going on line???and what’s up with all the new type spam/malware that are coming by the dozens claiming that;We have inherited 10-150$Million$ Dollars??????What the Hell Is Up with this GIMMIC?


November 29, 2009

8:00 pm

I have been inflicted with the Conflicker Varient A,B,C,D and E since November 2008 and have tryed using Avast, AVG, Trend Micro, Windows Defender, Windows Live Safety Scanner ect… Only until I installed Comodo from a recommend of another technician, that I was able to find ‘unpacked’ dormant malware residing on my hard drives and using the full scan of Comodo was able to remove these dormant packs easily and thoroughly. Now I am virus and malware free after almost 2 years of countless scans by other products. COMODO Antivirus is the best free package out there today! Thank You Comodo team!!!


November 29, 2009

12:48 am

Pretty neat presentation and very cool music.


November 28, 2009

9:32 pm

I couldn’t agree more. The web is indeed a dangerous place. Even for those with protection. I have told people for years its not easy to be on the web. The most common question I get is why? I simply say its all about the dollar. They want your money and they are not afraid to steal it from you. Gone are the days when people hacked for fun. Now its all about the money.


November 27, 2009

8:27 am

It’s the best fierwall which I used.come on!you’ll be sronger


November 24, 2009

11:21 am

It’s incredible ! This is a clear explanation sayng WHY we felt so much attacked all day long and it is a REAL SUICIDE if we don’t look for any kind (THE CERTAIN KIND !) on help ! Now, more than ever, I understand the meaning to be sheltered for an EXCELENT kind of “Guardian Dog” against malwares, virus, worms………., finally, against ALL that could causes damages for my PC. Its name, of course, is COMODO ! To many thanks for its existence !!!


November 21, 2009

9:23 am

Спасибо Вам,мне ваш продукт очень нравится

Google Translate Translation:

Thank you, I really like your product


November 19, 2009

1:49 am

After watching this, I get it.

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