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Published on November 21st, 2014

In today’s digital era where sensitive data gets stored electronically in the computer servers, organizations can no longer operate without some form of Endpoint Protection.


The costs associated with network downtime or stolen data resulting from malicious attacks significantly outweigh the cost of maintaining an up to date Endpoint Protection software.


Endpoint security software is fundamentally different from the antivirus software. Unlike the Antivirus protection wherein an individual device gets protected, endpoint protection software protects the entire network as a whole including the endpoints (devices used to access the network). Beyond this, the endpoint security software is also responsible for its self-security.


The ultimate aim of Endpoint Protection software is to protect any sensitive business information residing on Endpoints (connected devices) to reduce corporate risk exposure.


In this video, learn how to protect your customers’ credit card data. If you are in search of a good endpoint protection software, choose Comodo Advance Endpoint Protection. It is a complete endpoint protection platform comprising multiple security technologies, like the anti-virus, HIPS, web filtering, personal firewall, white/blacklisting, application control, device control, Secure Auto-Containment, etc.

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